All Enola Gaye smoke grenades are now CE certified for use in Europe.
The sentence above should really wrap it up, nothing more needs to be added to this, however too add some meat to the bones…….
Enola Gaye smoke grenades are now accessible to all European countries; it is likely that you will be able to get your hands on our products (provided you need them for the correct purposes) in your native country from 2014 onwards.
Enola Gaye smoke grenades have been available in Europe for many years now but this has historically been achieved by local import permits. However with the advent of new CE rules being placed on all pyrotechnics across Europe, this will break down the barriers and allow the market to open up without special permissions being granted after lengthy applications, dissection and analogies. There may still be some additional registrations needed but essentially all of the work has been covered by the European CE standard for pyrotechnics.
When applying for CE accreditation Enola Gaye choose to use BAM the German test house and notified body as we believe it has the highest standards and test quality. Even though all notified bodies work to the same standard it is considered within the industry that BAM have the highest standards.
CE marking a product is not simple; it is an expensive process where the articles are sent off for type testing, dissection and inspection to ensure they meet consumer standards set out by the body of European experts who drafted the standard. It may be the case that the products that a company has been selling for many years may not achieve the CE standard and design changes are necessary before it can be successfully passed. The standard is technically very difficult to achieve, especially with the many different languages needed for the labelling.
3rd Light Ltd the company that owns the Enola Gaye brand probably has one of the best pyrotechnic design teams in Europe drawing experience from Airsoft, Paintball, the Military and of course chemistry and many years pyrotechnic experience.
So there we have it, the first wave of CE accreditation has been achieved, and our smoke products are ready for all corners of Europe. We are now start to open up dealerships in countries that have never officially had the opportunity to sell our products.
Our noise based products (Paint Grenades, Frag Grenades, Flash Grenades & MK5 Thunderflash) will be following in the footsteps of the smoke products very soon. These products will be added to dealer product ranges when they pass CE over the next few months.
Consumer availability of Enola Gaye products will still come with conditions; we stand by our vigil that we want to keep our products out of the hands of idiots. So dealers and distributors will need to know and understand our retail policy which is firmly etched into our dealership programme.
So does your business want to become a dealer of Enola Gaye products?
We do not offer exclusive agreements to distributors, however we do offer attractive distributorship/dealer programmes. For more information on getting your business set up, contact either Jim or mark at Enola Gaye for a dealer information pack. We have a limited amount of distributor & dealerships available per country.
Enola Gaye dealerships opportunities are now available for Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands.
All other European countries are available but we have limitations to the available space for languages printed on our labelling, in certain cases we would need to make a special label for the product. For countries that have not been listed above, please contact us for further information so we can start this process for you.

CE Smoke Grenades available in Europe from Enola Gaye